Friday 2 July 2010

Weaning fun

Well, we finally recovered from the jet lag after about a week or so. And then bravely embarked on weaning adventures. Baby has been interested in food for quite some time, watching us eat and reaching for food, so we knew he was ready for solids and once he reached six months we celebrated his half birthday with some real food.

I'm following Baby Led Weaning, which gets mixed reactions but seems to be working for us. We've discovered that our little monkey hates being spoon fed but likes food as long as he gets to play and explore and feed himself. And he's good at it too. It is very cute to watch. So far he's been eating some fruits and vegetables as finger foods but when I attempt to give him yoghurt, fromage frais or porridge he acts like I'm torturing him. However, if I give him the spoon he will attempt to feed himself and then it's not so bad. It's cute but messy and takes forever. I pray for the patience to continue with this once the novelty has worn off and the willpower to fight off the urge to just pin him down and shovel mush into his mouth (which is the whole reason I chose to go the BLW route instead of the traditional phases).

Let's hope we don't have to repaint the walls soon!

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