Sunday, 8 August 2010

Milestone madness

I've been a terrible blogger lately. Baby and I have been keeping busy - him growing fast and hard and me trying to keep up with him. At almost eight months now he is concentrating mainly on sitting up, trying to crawl, and talking, all very cute.

He is now able to sit unaided but is still a little wobbly and has a terrible habit of throwing himself backwards which has caused him to hit his head a couple of times. I can't wait until he gets a little stronger at that so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

He has always been very vocal but is now really trying to communicate and engaging in the cutest "conversation". He has also started calling for me but only when crying! It goes "Ma ma ma maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". The first couple of times I assumed it was a new sound he was practising but when I was out one night (on one of those extremely rare occasions!) Hubby said he was refusing his bottle and looking around for me while calling "Ma ma ma maaaa! Ma ma ma maaaaa!" and he was convinced he really was calling me. Right after that he started making lots of dadadada sounds as well as lots of general conversational babble.

As far as crawling goes he's not moving yet, there's just a lot of swimming on land action. He's shuffling around pretty well and trying to get up on his knees but isn't managing to combine them and doesn't seem strong enough yet. He really wants to do it though and we get a lot of tears of frustration as he gets really mad at himself for not being able to. It's funny because he's very strong when you hold him standing up and seems happier doing that, but not so motivated to crawl. I feel quite guilty that I probably don't give him enough time to practise too, we don't have a huge amount of floor space right now but are in the process of downsizing and babyproofing so we can make some room for him.

His fine motor skills, however, are top notch and I put that down to Baby Led Weaning. He is really good with his hands and already has a good pincer grip. He grabs and holds stuff very well, is able to pass things from hand to hand and knows how to adjust a piece of food in his hand when he's nibbled it all the way down to his fist. He's also very good at grabbing my hair, which is not so great!

My little baby is growing so fast, I can't believe how big he is now and how much he's doing.

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