Sunday, 25 April 2010

4 months

My little baby boy is 4 months old and I can't believe where the time has gone. His dad and I have been sorting through photos and videos and can't believe how he has grown and changed and how it seems so long ago that he was this tiny little squirmy thing we brought home from the hospital.

He is so cute and fun now. He is such a sweet, smiley, happy baby and there is no sound in the world cuter than your baby's giggle. He is so curious all the time, looking around with his big wide eyes. He laughs and giggles all the time. He's getting really good at grabbing things and it's so cute to watch him really concentrate on something while he grabs it and tries to get it in his mouth. And yes, everything goes in his mouth now. Today I watched him staring at his own feet all the time and grabbing them. I guess that's his new thing. They didn't quite make it into his mouth but I'm sure it won't be long!

He also babbles a lot. He's been doing it for a while now. Daddy says it's because Mummy talks to him so much and doesn't shut up so he does it to get a word in edgeways! It is adorable though. He seems to "get" conversation and responds to us talking to him. He peaks in the evening and loves his quality time with Daddy, it's like he's telling him about his day! In the last week or so he has started to sound a little different. He squeals and shouts more than babbles, and also makes very distinct complaining sounds and "singing".

The one thing he's not so good at is rolling. All of his friends seem to have rolled over at least once and he just doesn't seem interested in doing it. He's been rolling onto his side for a while and I guess that's the sign it could happen suddenly soon, but he's made no moves that way at all. I don't know if that's because I don't give him enough tummy time or what. I guess he'll just do it when he's ready. When he does tummy time he makes crawling movements, and he's always been very strong at holding his head up, but rolling? Nah!

He can also sit up pretty well, propped up. He likes his Bumbo but not for too long. I can tell when he's had enough of it because he starts to protest and arches his back to get out of it. He can sit up on the sofa and looks so comfortable doing it that I want to offer him a drink and the TV remote, but he tips over after a little while if not propped up well enough. Which is funnier than it should be to watch!

He loves songs. We go to a music and rhyme session every week and he loves the nursery rhymes sung with actions. I do them with him at home all the time and he loves it, he definitely has his favourites and they make him laugh and giggle. He especially likes anything that involves his nose!

We have also been swimming and he's doing great at that. He now knows to close his eyes and mouth when he hears "Ready.... Go!" and has been going underwater a lot of times each class. We have a trip to California planned for the end of May and I can't wait to go swimming with him. It means Dad can come too. I know he would like to swim with him, and it means we'll also be able to take some pictures and videos. Dad bought a waterproof video camera before Baby was born, knowing that one of the things I really wanted to do with him was swimming.

I know I keep saying it, but I love motherhood! It's probably a weird thing to say but I just didn't expect to like it this much and it's been without doubt the best surprise of my life.

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