Sunday, 11 October 2009

Week 20 milestones

Starting around week 18/19 I suspected I was feeling early movements but at that point it was hard to be sure. It was like, is this gas or baby? It was similar to gas or trapped wind but felt a little different. It was kind of like bubbles popping. It was exciting though, and I really wanted to get to the point where I could feel distinct movement and kicks. I think it started to happen around week 20, it was kind of gradual. But the first real kicks were very exciting.

My linea nigra, that mysterious dark line on the belly appeared in week 20 too. It literally just appeared. One minute it wasn't there, next minute it was. Weird.

This week I also had that overnight growth spurt people warned me about. You know, the one where you stand up and find your feet have disappeared! Hubby had left the house by the time I discovered this but when I came home that evening with my nice newly rounded bump I stood behind his computer chair and said hello to him and when he spun around in the chair to greet me he almost hit his face on it! He was all, "Wow! That wasn't there yesterday!". Classic!

I also got carpal tunnel around week 18 and it got worse at around this point. There were a couple of nights where it was really excruciating, painful enough to wake me up in the middle of the night. I had to start wearing wrist supports to bed. Sexy!

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